When: December 12, 2013

Did you miss the first The Affordable Care Act: What It Means for Seniors webinar? We are offering it again…

The Affordable Care Act brings new opportunities and challenges for seniors, including the expansion of Medicaid in many states and enrollment in health insurance plans through marketplaces or exchanges beginning on January 1, 2014.  This presentation will provide a summary of these changes and their impact on seniors.

The presentation may be most relevant to people in states that are choosing to expand access to Medicaid, but all may participate.

This webinar will cover:

  • What is expansion Medicaid and who is eligible
  • What are the healthcare exchanges and who is eligible
  • How are seniors impacted (or not impacted) by these programs, including a discussion of the transition from these programs when an individual turns 65 or obtains Medicare
  • Other changes under the ACA impacting Medicare

Amber Cutler, National Senior Citizens Law Center