Why do some individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits only receive $500 each month instead of $750?
In many cases, the reason is “in-kind support and maintenance” (ISM). As SSI is a means-tested program, applicants and recipients must meet several financial eligibility criteria on an ongoing basis. The income and resources rules, including “in-kind support and maintenance,” are particularly complicated. These rules can cause significant hardship for low-income people trying to survive on SSI. Giving advocates the tools to successfully navigate ISM on behalf of their clients can make a big difference. SSI recipients could have an additional $250 per month for necessities like health care expenses, household expenses, transportation, and other basic needs, if they have the assistance of a representative who understands ISM and can help advocate on their behalf at SSA.
We shared the new advocates’ guide from Justice in Aging, which lays out a complete explanation of ISM, uses many illustrative examples, and provides extensive practice tips for those dealing with this issue.
This webinar is designed for legal services and other advocates who are just getting started in the field and others who want to learn more about the essentials of the program.
Jennifer Kye, Community Legal Aid Society, Inc.
Kate Lang, Justice in Aging
The webinar took place on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. PT / 2:00 p.m. ET.