“Hold the button and count slowly to ten,” I ordered, sternly but kindly, leaning into her right ear. At 90 years old, Grandma was almost completely hard of hearing in her left ear. She nodded and firmly pressed the life alert. We were practicing in case she needed help. Despite robust Medicaid home and community-based […]
Guardianship can strip an older adult of their autonomy and should be a mechanism of last resort. This issue brief examines the guardianship system and offers recommendations to reform the system to promote equity in aging.
Justice in Aging has created the Justice in Aging Data for Equity Fellowship in order to enhance our ability to use data to strengthen our policy analysis and advocacy in ways that advance equity. This innovative partnership with the Gerontology Institute’s LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston will provide annual support to a UMass Boston gerontology […]
This issue brief introduces legal and aging advocates to the health and economic challenges faced by nearly one million American Indian and Alaska Native people over the age of 65.
For each of us to age with dignity, our laws and policies must tackle ageism along with other intersecting forms of discrimination such as racism, sexism, and homophobia.
This issue brief analyzes data about the employment, incomes, and health of older women of color and highlights policy solutions that are targeted to support them.