By Directing Attorney of Health Jennifer Goldberg and Borchard Fellow Catherine Bourque Sandy had a good job as a registered nurse, and a middle class standard of living. She lost her husband and her ability to work her physically demanding job around the same time, leaving her with no income. Because of her job as a […]
In January 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the first ever evaluation of the Financial Alignment Initiative (FAI) known as the dual eligible demonstration. Since the first dual eligible demonstrations rolled out in August 2013, Justice in Aging has followed the process both through the advocates on the ground who counsel […]
Most individuals with full Medicare and Medi-Cal coverage are eligible to enroll in a Cal MediConnect plan. When a beneficiary loses full-scope Medi-Cal coverage, she also loses eligibility for Cal MediConnect. What happens when your client loses eligibility for Cal MediConnect? Is there a grace period to reestablish eligibility? What are Cal MediConnect deeming and […]
States and CMS are in the early stages of evaluating the demonstrations and also looking at mid-course corrections and improvements based on experiences to-date. At the same time, advocates and policymakers are contemplating future health care delivery system reforms, as part of a broader reform effort to pay for value and outcomes, instead of volume. […]
Over 220 advocates, partners, supporters, attorneys, friends, and family members joined us at our sold-out award reception, Celebrate Justice in Aging, at City Club Los Angeles. The event was a chance for us to celebrate our new name, recognize shared commitment to fighting senior poverty, and rally together for Justice in Aging for all people.
Can Joyce continue to see her out-of-network cardiologist after enrolling in Cal MediConnect? Will Karl have to move to a new nursing facility on the Cal MediConnect plan? How long can Cal MediConnect take to process a request for continuity of care? You might have questions like these. Dual eligible beneficiaries who enroll in Cal […]
In this September 2014 Fact Sheet, Justice in Aging shares guidance on protecting clients when providers in California balance bill dual eligibles illegally.
July 2013 — The Advocate’s Guide to California’s Coordinated Care Initiative helps advocates understand the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), a new state program changing the way dual eligible beneficiaries and other seniors and persons with disabilities get their health care in eight California counties. The guide includes a description of the CCI, information on whom the […]
May 2013 — A key protection for dual eligibles who are enrolling in the financial alignment demonstration projects being undertaken by states and the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office (MMCO) is continuity of care. Individuals joining plans participating in the financial alignment demonstrations need a smooth transition without disruption in providers or services while their new plan […]
OAKLAND, CA — In a joint letter to both the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination office at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the California Department of Health Care Services, 41 organizations outlined concerns with the MediConnect program recently finalized in the Memorandum of Understanding between the federal and state agencies.