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January 30, 2015
Can Joyce continue to see her out-of-network cardiologist after enrolling in Cal MediConnect? Will Karl have to move to a new nursing facility on the Cal MediConnect plan? How long can Cal MediConnect take to process a request for continuity of care? You might have questions like these. Dual eligible beneficiaries who enroll in Cal […]
September 18, 2014
In this September 2014 Fact Sheet,  Justice in Aging shares guidance on protecting clients when providers in California balance bill dual eligibles illegally.
September 8, 2014
In a September 2014 Policy Issue Brief, Justice in Aging outlines the challenges and opportunities related to examining California's outdated system of regulating the state's assisted living system.
November 5, 2013
November 2013 --The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will afford millions of uninsured individuals with healthcare coverage through the expansion of Medicaid and the creation of state healthcare exchanges. A new NSCLC issue brief, Medicaid Expansion in California: Opportunities and Challenges for Older Adults and People with Disabilities, provides an overview of these new coverage options […]
July 1, 2013
July 2013 -- The Advocate's Guide to California's Coordinated Care Initiative helps advocates understand the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), a new state program changing the way dual eligible beneficiaries and other seniors and persons with disabilities get their health care in eight California counties. The guide includes a description of the CCI, information on whom the […]
March 2, 2011
NSCLC's resource manual for advocates provides background information and practical advice for advocates whose clients receive In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) and are limited English proficient. Resources include NSCLC's recent report on language access and IHSS, relevant state rules regarding translation and interpretation, a guide to filing access complaints, copies of and links to multi-lingual resources, […]
February 28, 2011
An Examination of the In-Home Supportive Services Program This NSCLC report contains findings and recommendations to improve the experiences of limited English proficient consumers of California's In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) personal care program. Read Improving Language Access to Keep California's Older Adults at Home: An Examination of the IHSS Program  Read Improving Language Access to Keep California's […]
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