An older Latino couple smiling and dancing hand-in-hand at an outdoor festival.
Fighting senior poverty through the law.
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Portrait of an older Asian man wearing a collared white shirt and green v-neck sweater.A joyful moment between two women, one older and one younger, sitting close together on a couch. The older woman has short white hair and a floral blouse on. She smiles brightly. The younger woman has dark hair and leans in closely, laughing.A brown-skinned middle aged man poses for a portrait. He wears a serious expression on his face.An older African-American man stands facing the camera in front of a staircase leading to a residential building. He is wearing a striped gray and black long-sleeve shirt.
45% of Americans Over 65 Have Trouble Meeting their Basic Needs
Everyone deserves quality health care and sufficient resources to be able keep a roof over their heads, pay for food and medicine, and meet their other basic needs. But in America today that vision is out of reach for nearly half of older adults. Our approach to advocacy directly improves the lives of millions of older adults.

Fuel our Vital Fight Against Senior Poverty

A place to belong—surrounded by friends and family—free of worry as we age. That’s what we all want. By making an investment in Justice in Aging, you fuel our vital fight against senior poverty to make that vision a reality.

© 2025 Justice in Aging
