On May 14, 2021, Governor Newsom released his May Revision 2021-22 budget proposal. The proposal builds upon and significantly expands the investments in aging and disability programs proposed in the Governor’s 2021- 22 January Budget. This expansion was driven by both the Governor’s commitment to the Master Plan for Aging and the Alzheimer’s Taskforce Report, but also by a historic increase in tax revenue, approximately $38 billion in discretionary surplus, and significant federal stimulus money. It should be noted that much of the investment continues to be one-time funding, however, many of these investments are being spread across a multi-year, often two- or three-year timeframe.
Justice in Aging sees these investments as a significant down payment toward the 10-year goals set in the Master Plan for Aging. There are investments in all five goal areas of the Master Plan: Housing and Homelessness Prevention; Health Reimagined; Equity and Inclusion, Not Isolation; Caregiving that Works; and Affording Aging.