Tell Congress to Fund Outreach to Low-Income Medicare Enrollees

Since 2008, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) low-income outreach and assistance program has provided funding to community-based organizations to conduct targeted outreach and assist Medicare enrollees with enrolling in the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) and the Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS).

These programs provide significant financial support to older adults by covering the cost of Medicare premiums and reducing cost-sharing, but millions of people who are eligible are not enrolled. Unfortunately, the MIPPA funding will expire at the end of the year unless Congress reauthorizes it.

Take action today! Use the National Council on Aging’s fact sheets to learn how people in your state are benefitting from this program and then email your members of Congress to tell them to continue funding the MIPPA low-income outreach program.

Rx Savings for Medicare Enrollees Who Reached the IRA Out-of-Pocket Cap

Earlier this week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released an analysis of who has benefitted from the elimination of enrollee cost-sharing during the Medicare Part D catastrophic phase. This change, which is part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), went into effect in January and effectively capped enrollee spending on Part D drugs at $3,500 on average.

According to ASPE’s analysis, about 1.5 million Part D enrollees reached the threshold by June 30, 2024. More than 500,000 of these enrollees who are not already protected by the Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) saved an average of $1,802 per person in just 6 months. American Indian and Alaska Natives, African Americans, and people under age 65 reached the cap at higher rates compared to other enrollees. Read the full ASPE report and state-by-state break down. In 2025, millions more are projected to save when the out-of-pocket drug cost cap lowers to $2,000.

Justice in Aging has important reminders and resources for advocates working with low-income older adults about the changes to Part D, LIS, and Medicare Advantage. Medicare Open Enrollment began October 15 and will close on December 7. HHS has new resources as well, including Medicare Open Enrollment postcards, fact sheets and flyers in other languages: Arabic, Chinese, Creole, Khmer, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Vietnamese.

Grant Opportunity for Funding to Support Older Adult Survivors of Abuse

Futures Without Violence, in partnership with the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life, Justice in Aging, Center for Justice Innovation, and Wise Women Gathering Place, recently launched a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Strategies to Advance Greater Elder Safety: Pathways for Older People Surviving Violence (STAGES Pathways) Sub-Awards. This funding opportunity will support eight community-based organizations working to build, enhance, or adapt services for older adult survivors of abuse.

RFP applications are due November 22nd. For more information on this funding opportunity and how to apply, visit the STAGES Pathways webpage and register for an informational webinar on Monday, October 28th

New Justice in Aging Resources 

Upcoming Justice in Aging Webinars 

 Justice in Aging Webinar Recordings 

New from the National Center on Law & Elder Rights (NCLER) 

On November 12, NCLER will present a webinar training on Legal Basics: Social Security Retirement Benefits. Presenters will provide information on how Social Security retirement benefits are calculated; reductions for claiming early and credits for delayed claiming; earnings test for those who continue to work after claiming early; and interactions with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and Medicare. Register for the webinar and get more information. 

New & Updated Federal Resources 

Other New Resources
