From DC is Justice in Aging’s weekly roundup of national news and resources about issues impacting older adults. To receive From DC in your inbox as soon as its published, sign up for our mailing list.
Here’s what we’re watching in Washington:
Trump Begins Issuing Executive Orders
This week, President Trump began issuing a series of wide-ranging executive orders designed to reshape the federal government and reverse actions taken under the Biden and other prior administrations. Many of these orders will require further action by federal agencies, such as issuing of guidance, enacting of new rules, or addressing potential litigation before they can take effect.
Justice in Aging is actively monitoring these executive orders and their potential impacts on low-income older adults. We will keep our network informed of any changes and developments. Read more about how we plan to advocate for older adults in 2025 to ensure all of us can age with dignity and justice.
Advocates Unite to Tell Congress Not to Cut Medicaid
Justice in Aging and our partners in the Disability and Aging Collaborative (DAC) and Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) recently sent a letter to Congress opposing cuts to Medicaid and stressing the importance of Medicaid to older adults and people with disabilities. Nearly 350 advocacy organizations representing 47 states signed the letter.
It is important for Congress to hear directly from constituents. Use the letter and Justice in Aging’s fact sheet to explain that a cut to Medicaid is also a cut to Medicare, and that any cut would take away health and long-term care from seniors.
Join us for a webinar, Protecting Medicaid for Older Adults, on February 4, 2025, to learn more about what advocates can do to defend Medicaid.
Study Finds Older Adults Unaware of Medicaid Unwinding
A new study on the Medicaid unwinding experiences of dual-eligible older adults found a majority of older adults dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid were either unaware of or only slightly aware of the Medicaid unwinding process.
The federal government encouraged states to inform Medicaid enrollees about renewals restarting in April 2023. Yet, less than half of the older adults surveyed heard about renewals from their state Medicaid agency. Those who were aware of renewals were much more likely to renew their Medicaid. The study also found that individuals who lost coverage due to a lack of awareness about renewals were more likely to forgo or delay seeking care due to cost concerns.
This study highlights the importance of state strategies like ex parte renewals, frequent communication, and application assistance to maintain Medicaid coverage for dual eligible older adults. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) incorporated these and other policies to simplify Medicaid eligibility, enrollment, and renewals in the 2024 Medicaid Streamlining Rule.
Learn more about CMS’s Medicaid renewal strategies and Justice in Aging’s advocacy and resources on Medicaid and dual eligibles.
New Justice in Aging Resources
- Issue Brief: Promising Practices and Models for Older Adults Transitioning from Incarceration Back to the Community (01/16)
- Blog: Bringing Together Housing and Services to Support Older Disabled Adults Leaving Incarceration (01/16)
- Blog: Traditional Health Care for Tribal Elders Through Special Medicaid Waivers (01/9)
- Issue Brief: Supporting Tribal Elders Through the Older Americans Act (01/9)
- Alert: Medicare Observation Status and Appeals Resources and Webinar (01/7)
- Fact Sheet: Medi-Cal Policies Enhancing Housing Security Among Older Adults (12/23)
- Fact Sheet: Two New California Policies Simplify Access to Medicare Financial Assistance (12/19)
- Fact Sheet: Cutting Medicaid Harms Older Adults No Matter How It’s Sliced (12/18)
Upcoming Justice in Aging Webinars
Justice in Aging Webinar Recordings
- Observation Status Appeals (01/22) (via Center for Medicare Advocacy)
- Recent Updates to Federal Nursing Home Surveyor Guidance (01/22) (via Consumer Voice)
- Legislative Advocacy 101: Prepare for California’s Upcoming Legislative Session (01/16)
- Equitable Guardianship Reform: Recommendations for Advancing Equity in the Guardianship System (01/14)