This webinar took place on Monday, May 2, 2022, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. PT.

As the cost of housing has increased, mobile homes have become an important source of affordable housing for low-income renters. Many seniors living on a fixed income have chosen mobile homes as the place they can afford to retire and age in place.

Yet those who rent or own a mobile home that is sited in a mobile home park are particularly vulnerable to rent increases or evictions from the land underneath their home. The California Legislature has enacted and amended the Mobilehome Residency law in an effort to provide some protections to homeowners and residents of mobilehome parks. However, many of the protections that apply to other California tenants do not apply to mobile homeowners.

This webinar will bring together representatives from the CA Department of Housing and Community Development and legal services experts to provide an overview of the protections afforded to California mobilehome park homeowners and residents. Topics that will be covered include rent increases and evictions, available remedies when there are substandard conditions in the mobilehome park, the provision of utilities, and rights upon the sale or conversion of the park. There will be an opportunity for Q&A.

1.5 hours of CLE credit will be available. Please contact Jennifer Pardini at Legal Assistance for Seniors at if you have questions about CLE credit.

Who Should Attend: Advocates, community group members working with tenants, and homeowners.


  • Patti Prunhuber, Senior Housing Attorney, Justice in Aging (moderator)
  • Anona Bonner, Senior Program Manager, Div. of Codes & Standards, Housing and Community Development
  • Rosanna Kendrick, Attorney & Program Manager, Elder Law and Advocacy
  • Kellie Morgantini, Executive Director, Legal Services for Seniors, Monterey County
  • Michael Novasky, Senior Attorney, Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County

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