Medicaid provides essential care for women throughout their lives—from family planning and maternal health services to nursing home care. However, yesterday, on International Women’s Day, committees in Congress were busy marking up a GOP ACA replacement bill that will fundamentally change the way Medicaid is funded, making it harder for both older and younger women to be able to pay for health insurance, visit their doctors, and receive long-term care.
These changes to our health care system will make care unaffordable and inaccessible for many, but women will be disproportionately impacted. We laid it out in this new fact sheet, Medicaid Caps and Cuts Harm Older Women, produced in partnership with our friends at the National Partnership for Women & Families. Read and share this fact sheet with other advocates, lawmakers, and others.
For more recent Justice in Aging health care defense resources visit this page. If you missed our webinar on Medicaid cuts and caps earlier this week, you can watch the recording here.