Justice in Aging continues to monitor the roll out of California’s Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) through the CCI Fix List. The Fix List tracks problems and related fixes and keeps advocates and others informed of the current state of CCI implementation in order to assist dual eligible beneficiaries who encounter problems during this important transition.

Justice in Aging has updated the Fix List to describe the most recent problems brought to our attention. New issues identified since the prior publication of the CCI Fix List are bolded and marked with an asterisk. Justice in Aging staff have discussed each problem with DHCS and CMS officials. The list summarizes the remedial steps that both agencies report they have taken in response to each issue.

Senior Staff Attorney, Amber Cutler is testifying today before the Senate Budget Committee Hearing on CCI. The Fix List exists because the state moved too quickly into implementation, leading to confusion, poor consumer experience, and high opt-out rates. Our position is that for CCI to work as intended (improve care and save the state money) the state should focus more resources on improving care delivery, instead of on increasing enrollment. You can listen to the testimony here.

Beneficiaries who experience any of the Fix List problems or other CCI-related problems should contact the CCI Ombudsman for individual representation at (855) 501-3077 (TTY 1-855-847-7914).

Justice in Aging will continue to update the Fix List regularly and keep it posted here.
