In January 2021, Governor Newsom released California’s Master Plan for Aging (MPA), which lays out a ten-year plan to prepare the state for an aging and changing population. The MPA set five major goals: Housing for All Ages and Stages; Health Reimagined; Inclusion & Equity, Not Isolation; Caregiving that Works; and Affording Aging. Despite the […]
Starting in January 2025, two new Medicare Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) will impact when low-income individuals can join, switch, or leave Medicare Advantage Plans or Prescription Drug Plans.
Starting in April 2023 and continuing through December 2025, older adults who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid will face redeterminations of their Medicaid eligibility, a process that was suspended during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). During this “Medicaid unwinding” period, advocates working with people dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid should know […]
This blog presents guiding principles for developing and implementing integrated models for individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. The principles underscore the fundamental values and goals that should inform the design of integrated models, including robust consumer protections, health equity, person-centered care, and vigorous oversight and accountability.
This year, Justice in Aging launched a new project to build the capacity of national and state advocates to inform policies affecting how people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid receive their care. As part of this project, we are developing educational resources and trainings for advocates across the country on Dual Eligible Special Needs […]
The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently finalized three Supplemental Security Income (SSI) rules that will reduce barriers and expand access to SSI. These rules impact in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) determinations, in which an individual’s SSI benefit can be reduced by up to one-third if SSA determines that they are getting in-kind help with food […]
In this Q&A, learn how Michigan's Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project (CVLAP) defends the due process rights of low-income older adults facing guardianship.
The burden of Medicaid recovery can push families into poverty or homelessness, while any “recovered” funds cover only a small portion of Medicaid expenditures.
In this Q&A, learn about Nevada's Guardianship Advocacy Project (GAP) defends the due process rights of low-income older adults facing guardianship in Clark County.