Medicare advocates should be aware of two important opportunities with a March 31 deadline:
the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period and Medicare General Enrollment Period.
The Issue Medicare Part A covers hospital care, as well as some types of long-term care that older adults may need. Most individuals with some work history are entitled to Medicare Part A without having to pay any premium, because they paid into it through federal tax deductions from their employment earnings over the course […]
In recent years, California has implemented several Medi-Cal policies to increase the number of people eligible
for Medi-Cal coverage, reduce barriers to maintaining coverage, and provide new services designed to prevent and
reduce homelessness. This factsheet outlines these policies and how they can help to enhance housing security for
older Californians.
Starting January 1, 2025, two new policies will be implemented to improve enrollment in California’s Medicare Savings Programs, making Medicare more affordable by providing assistance with out-of-pocket costs such as premiums, co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles for low income individuals. This factsheet provides a summary of these two changes, including who is impacted, how these two policy changes work together, the steps individuals need to take to benefit from these changes, and advocacy tips.
This fact sheet explains how Medicaid “reforms” being considered are all cuts that harm older adults. Whether the cuts come in the form of red tape such as work requirements and stricter eligibility rules, or caps and cuts to federal funding, the result is the same: taking away health and long-term care from older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers.
This fact sheet explains two areas from the recently revised CMS nursing facility surveyor guidelines. These particular revisions confirm that 1) a facility must obtain a resident’s informed consent before administering medication (including antipsychotics), and 2) certain common admission agreement provisions violate the federal prohibition against financial guarantees.
This guide provides advocates with basic information on eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI) in California, including some spotlights on recent updates to the SSI program.