Data Snapshots: Older Adults in California

Older adults are bedrocks of our communities. While California is making great strides building systems that will support older people now and in the future, right now, our state has the highest number of older adults struggling to pay the rent, put food on the table, and access health care. We can do better.

Below the statewide snapshot, the snapshots of selected counties show areas of need to help policymakers target investments toward those communities most impacted by poverty. 

Statewide Overview

Older adults age 60+ account for 20% of California's population.
Statewide demographics among older adults: Black 6.5%, Asian 11.4%, White 55.1%6, Hispanic 24.1%

Medi-Cal & Medicare

Older adults 65+ who have incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level qualify for both Medi-Cal & Medicare for their health care coverage.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI is a federal income supplement program available to low-income older adults and people with disabilities.

Poverty Levels Using the Elder Index

A new, more accurate standard of measurement gauges income security among California’s older adults and takes into account local cost of living.

In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS)

IHSS provides in-home assistance to eligible older adults and people with disabilities as an alternative to institutional care and enables recipients to remain safely in their own homes.

Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness

Get the Snapshots by County

Alameda County

Alameda County Snapshot of Older Adults | Alameda County Accessible Outline

Imperial County

Imperial County Snapshot of Older Adults | Imperial County Accessible Outline

Kern County

Kern County Snapshot of Older Adults | Kern County Accessible Outline

Los Angeles County

Los Angeles County Snapshot of Older Adults | Los Angeles County Accessible Outline

Orange County

Orange County Snapshot of Older Adults | Orange County Accessible Outline

Riverside County

Riverside County Snapshot of Older Adults | Riverside County Accessible Outline

San Bernardino County

San Bernardino County Snapshot of Older Adults | San Bernardino County Accessible Outline

San Diego County

San Diego County Snapshot of Older Adults | San Diego County Accessible Outline

San Francisco County

San Francisco County Snapshot of Older Adults | San Francisco County Accessible Outline

Santa Clara County

Santa Clara County Snapshot of Older Adults | Santa Clara County Accessible Outline

Stanislaus County

Stanislaus County Snapshot of Older Adults | Stanislaus County Accessible Outline

CA Statewide Snapshot 

CA Statewide Snapshot of Older Adults | CA Statewide Accessible Outline
