The federal government issued revised nursing facility regulations in September, and most provisions became effective on November 28. Now is the time for advocates, providers, and others to better understand how the regulations are changing nursing facility care.

Justice in Aging, in partnership with The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, and the Center for Medicare Advocacy, is developing a series of issue briefs on different aspects of the revised regulations, entitled A Closer Look at the Revised Nursing Facility RegulationsThe series kicked off with a Fact Sheet entitled, Why the Recently Revised Nursing Home Regulations are Vital for for Nursing Home Residents. 

The series of issue-specific briefs are available below:


Assessments, Care Planning, and Discharge Planning

Involuntary Transfer and Discharge

Unnecessary Drugs and Antipsychotic Medications

Nursing Services

Visitation Rights


Return to Facility After Hospitalization

Grievances and Resident/Family Councils

Quality of Care