The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program is a Medi-Cal program in California that pays for in-home care for people with disabilities, including children, adults, and seniors. The purpose of this vital program is to provide services and supports that help people remain safely in their homes and living in the community.
Justice in Aging is releasing a new Advocates Guide about the IHSS program for advocates and individuals who provide assistance to older adults, children, and adults with disabilities. Written with significant support from Disability Rights California, the guide provides in-depth information about the IHSS program and is divided into eight chapters:
- IHSS Program Overview;
- Eligibility and Applying for IHSS;
- Medi-Cal Programs and IHSS;
- IHSS Services Overview;
- Types of Services;
- IHSS Providers;
- Post-Eligibility Issues;
- and Appeals and Hearings.