As the 118th Congress convenes, Justice in Aging calls on the Administration and Congress to prioritize the health and long-term services and supports (LTSS) needs of low-income older adults.
Justice in Aging has created a roadmap of critical administrative and legislative priorities, including addressing health disparities and inequities among older adults, ensuring every older adult has access to comprehensive home-based care, dental, vision, and hearing; and expanding Medicaid and other programs to ensure older adults can afford to access care. Get the 2023 Health Policy Priorities for the Biden Administration and Congress here.
Justice in Aging has also compiled recommendations to increase equitable and quality access to home and community-based services (HCBS). Congress must take steps to end federal Medicaid and Medicare laws’ biases towards institutional services, and the Administration must center HCBS and community integration as a priority. Get the Policy Priorities to Increase Equitable Access to Home-Based Care here.
Justice in Aging looks forward to working with Congress and the Administration to implement these priorities to address the health needs of low-income older adults and to build a more just and equitable system for all of us as we age.