Justice in Aging is a national organization that uses the power of law to fight senior poverty by securing access to affordable health care, economic security, and the courts for older adults with limited resources.
Since 1972, we’ve focused our efforts primarily on those who have been marginalized and excluded from justice such as women, people of color, LGBTQ individuals, and people with limited English proficiency. By using the law to strengthen the social safety net, and remove the barriers low-income seniors face in trying to access the services they need, we work to ensure the future we all envision for our loved ones and ourselves.

Justice in Aging is the opportunity to live with dignity, regardless of financial circumstances—free from the worry, harm, and injustice caused by lack of health care, food, or a safe place to sleep. By using the law to strengthen the social safety net, and remove the barriers low-income seniors face in trying to access the services they need, we work to ensure the future we all envision for our loved ones and ourselves.
Our model of change is based on an innovative combination of administrative advocacy, litigation, and training direct service advocates.
Trainings, Publications, & Webinars
Each year, our attorneys train tens of thousands of attorneys, advocates, and service providers who work directly with older people and people with disabilities.
Administrative Advocacy
We use the information we receive from this network of professionals to identify current systemic problems and then we advocate at the local, state, and federal level to fix those issues.
When we cannot bring about justice through other efforts, we file class action lawsuits on behalf of named plaintiffs to force needed changes in government policies or ways of administering benefits.
A close-up portrait of an older Black woman smiling warmly. She has short hair styled with a fringe and wears a brown collared shirt and gold earrings. Blurred trees and greenery are visible in the background.
Advancing Equity
In 2021, we launched our Strategic Initiative to Advance Equity in Aging as a way to ensure that we improve the lives of low-income older adults who experience inequities rooted in structural racism, ageism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, and xenophobia.
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Our Funders
With the support and collaboration of our funders, we are improving health care, long-term care, and retirement security for low-income older adults.
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Our Internal Commitment To Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We are committed to addressing the pernicious effects of systemic power and privilege in the workplace.
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Our History
Since 1972, we've used the power of law to fight for the rights of the low income older adults.
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© 2024 Justice in Aging
